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Chapter Nine


MARCH 13TH, 2012




Due to an anonymous tip, the FBI managed to find a group of creators, as well as some downloaders, that had been eluding them for years. The FBI refuses to state the nature of their source.


The child porn ring had been responsible for the creation of, according to the police, hundreds of videos.


Many of the members of the porn ring have gone on the run, but police have already made several arrests. It is unclear how many are involved.


March 16th, 2012






Another body has been located. Police are currently unaware as to who is responsible, as the MO does not match previous killings. The deceased, one Jordan Grey, was found hung in his bedroom.


A confession, not typed as the previous ones were, was found taped to his chest.


Police have not yet stated whether or not this was murder, or a mere suicide.




MARCH 20TH, 2012




The Agency for Unwanted Children, ran by one John Rae, was the subject of a meeting held by many of its donors. The donors, typically among the rich elite, were feeling frustrated by the apparent lack of results in the Agency's rehabilitation.


"Some of these kids aren't ever seen again, and we'd like to know why," Noel Graham, one of the donors, said. "The ones that do come out aren't as good as we were hoping they would be, either. I mean, he's just trying to do his job-and I understand that-but these kids....He said he'd be helping them. He just doesn't seem to be doing anything about it."


Noel Graham is one of around twenty donors who are now accusing Rae of wasting their time. The accusers are threatening to sue him if better results for their money are not shown.


John Rae, nor any of the teachers/therapists, or any other workers, were available for comment.




MARCH 21ST, 2012




John Rae, founder of the controversial Agency for Unwanted Children, has released a statement to the National Press. The statement reads: "The Agency is doing it's best. Time is the only thing that is required to set these children onto the right path, and time will be given to them."


Noel Graham, one of the antagonists towards the Agency, has declined to speak his response.




Taylor's Log


Entry Date: March 21st, 2012


Entry Title: Something Wicked This Way Comes


I do not foresee things turning out well. Noel Graham, a long-time supporter, has turned against the Agency. He had been donating to the Agency, and attending all of its support rallies and events, long before I moved in. Now, however, he appears to be attempting to take the Agency down.


Not only this, but Lily White has become a very large thron in my side. According to Kevin, so this information is dubious at best, Lily has been spying on the Agency. She had apparently snuck into my office on numerous occasions, despite my almost-continually being within its walls, and stolen several files.


Now, I am not the kind of person you can steal from. I would definitely have noticed if she had stolen from me, so this accusation is entirely unfounded. However, I do have a feeling that something very bad is about to happen.


What that is, however, I have no idea.


I have another patient coming, so I will continue this after my meeting.


-Insert Time Break Here-


My meeting has ended, and it was-of course-with Kevin. I had forgotten he would be coming to me today, and so I was moderately displeased when I saw it was HIM at my door. Still, it did give me the opportunity to broach my concerns with him.


He continues to be adamant about Lily being a thief, something that Master John no doubt believes. Kevin is, of course, one of Master John's favorite people to speak to. He finds the future cult leader to be charismatic, and oftentimes will invite him to be a speaker at his events. I don't entirely see the point behind this, but I do suppose he must have a reason. I often wonder, in fact, whether or not the Master is a smart man. Of course, I do not wish to speak ill of those who are mentally handicapped, but I must admit....He could stand to grow a few brain cells.


Kevin continues to elude all my attempts at actually giving him therapeutic help. He continues to rebuke, and rebuff, my every segue into actual mental assistance. I am beginning to wonder if it is worth attempting at all.


I do believe I would do very that, and stop trying to help him, were it not for the fact that he still bears an importance in the life of Beatrix. He is the ringleader of her sole batch of friends, and if I am to somehow anger him further-which is wonderfully likely-the fool Kevin might use that as an excuse to ostracize her from the group.


Beatrix would not handle that well, and so, I will continue to carry on meaningless conversations with Kevin. I will also attempt to assist him in any way possible, but I will be treading very carefully.




Taylor's Log


Entry Date: March 25th, 2012


Entry Title: Lily's Fall


Master John declined to listen to me. As stated previously in my entries, I had come up with multiple reasons as to why Kevin's lies are impossible to prove. However, I was unable to succeed in keeping Lily in the Agency.


Her fate is, at yet, unknown. There is a large chance she will be sent to jail, or merely be sent away. Her jail time will-of course-have nothing to do with anything she has actually done. She will simply be framed, and have the key thrown away. I simply doubt, however, that she will ever find somewhere to be happy.


I have a very deepset longing for her to succeed in life, as this will mean she will be a good omen for the others. However, Master John won't allow this.


He wants her silenced. As the contract she signed dictates, the penalty for speaking the secrets of the Agency is death.




MARCH 31ST, 2012




A body was discovered in a nearby lake this weekend. It appears that the body had been there for a good while, as it was very hard for police to identify. She had been discovered by fishermen when one of their fish hooks caught in her hair.


However, DNA tests show that the body belonged to none other than former Agency resident Lily White.


John Rae, founder of the Agency for Unwanted Children, declined to comment upon the subject.




Taylor's Log


Entry Date: April 1st


Entry Title: Lily's Body


Kevin is victorious. Lily's body was discovered in a lake. He had succeeded. Not only was Lily thrown out of the Agency due to his threats, but she was also murdered.


I am canceling Kevin's therapy sessions, and am referring him to one of my associates. I can no longer speak with him.




APRIL 4TH, 2012




The FBI, with continued assistance from their anonymous source, continues to make arrests. Last night, they came upon a deserted hotel that had been used as a stage for countless child porn videos, and more than forty pedophiles. Eighteen children were also discovered on the scene, ages ranging from four to fourteen. More than half were undernourished, and most showed signs of serious abuse.


Police have declined to disclose the identities of the pedophiles arrested, as well as those that died after resisting arrest. There was, in fact, a shootout that lasted for several hours. The pedophiles, however, eventually did surrender.


The fact that there were so many armed guards means that the police had just cracked down on a very, very successful location-boding well for the future of capturing pedophiles.


Unfortunately, police say they also discovered the bodies of several children on the scene. Many of whom were runaways, or children assumed to be kidnapped. One of whom had, in fact, gone missing five years before.


Police say that that particular body, one of young James Grace, had only been dead for a few days before discovery.


Police have not yet disclosed just how their information on the child porn ring was found, but it is assumed that their previous anonymous source continues to lead the way.

Important Notices/Site Changes Log


ENTRY DATE: February 10th, 2016


After a long period of radio silence, it appears I'm back online. After a long period of self-discovery, pain, and finally victory, I'm ready to bare my soul to you once

more. Let us see where that takes us.


I love you, and I have missed you truly.

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